So I got a bread machine. Yes, I know how “easy” it is to make bread by hand, but I’m lazy. Also, I can get home from work, load/start the machine, go for an evening run, do some yoga, take a shower, and all that time the machine is making bread. It’s a great way to have homemade bread while still getting chores done.

And wow, the bread is tasty! Only made two loaves so far but both have been good. First was a basic white just to learn the machine’s style. Second was a Butter Bread which is quite nice. Hoping to make a Beer Cheddar Bread next if I can figure how to get the beer flat enough. I had intended to make that second but even after leaving a stout open all day it was still plenty fizzy when I got home. Tomorrow I’ll try pouring the stout a few times before letting it sit all day, see if that helps flatten it out.

So yeah, bread machine is nice to have. Good bread that doesn’t get in the way of getting other stuff done.