I must confess, I still haven’t seen Solo. I’m sure I’ll add it to my collection at some point, though.

I thought episodes 2 and 3 were perfectly fine additions to the group. Visually disjoint, perhaps, but reasonable parts of the story. Rogue One, I very much enjoyed. Episode 1, however, I try to think about as little as possible.

to be clear, I’m not against the change. My needs are so low that I just don’t see it benefiting me. Ultimately I see it as having zero value for me at best, potentially negative (hassle of multiple accounts).

You have put considerable effort into v5, however. To throw all that away should be for something that has positive overall value. Which is why I suggested it possibly being easier for you to maintain going forward. That’d be good enough for me. Your time is valuable and I know the importance of having a codebase you don’t hate working with.

I don’t have a mastodon account. I accept that others may consider the ability to use the mastodon tools a bonus, however I’m not aware of any value they would add to my experience. As such, I don’t see why this would be a beneficial change. Unless, of course, you gain something from the support side. Will those tools replace the web interface?

Where would the content live and who owns it? One big reason I’m here and not other places is my content isn’t owned by an ad-supported business model. I don’t know the licensing terms and content model required by Mastodon.

What would be lost? There may be gains realized by others, and those may make it worth doing, but what would be lost to us all? Currently I only have my 10c account, which works on social and blog and others. Will I need to maintain two accounts? That’s a loss.

All of which is perhaps a long-winded way of saying: I see no need or reason for such a change personally, but perhaps others will gain enough from doing so to make it worth it.

plenty, our sick days rollover with no cap. I just have things to do that I don’t want to wait till Jan and I’m not that sick. Vacation starts next week, not many workdays left. I’ve just been keeping in my office as much as I can to avoid sharing this with everyone.

Unfortunately, even though I’ve been sick I’ve still been going to work. Not so sick that I can’t be productive to some degree.

Been sick since Sunday. Today was notably better, though. Hopefully it’s clearing up quickly.

you can do it!!

I’m liking mine quite a bit. A solid improvement over the first-gen iPad Pro and Pencil. Though the double-tap Pencil gesture is problematic for me as I will frequently fidget with it while contemplating ‘what next’ and that can trigger the gesture.

I may dislike the game, but I think the Cards Against Humanity group had the best Black Friday promotion today.