neither have I. Mentioned it at lunch one day and a coworker said they’re still publishing and he picks up a copy every now and then. Seems it’s still just as good reading as ever.


sign him up for 2600. Meets both your description and his!


yeah, figured it’s a markdown thing. I’m just wondering why NewsBlur does both bold and italics.

Local air quality has finally dropped below 150 (the boundary between “unhealthy for all” and “unhealthy for sensitive groups”) for the first time since 9.Nov.

interesting. The asterisks here show as italic on Cappuccino but as bold-italic in NewsBlur.

perfect, good, enemies, yaddayadda.

Wondering what time it is. Check. 8:08

Aaaand now I’ve got Beastie Boys stuck in my head.

yeah. Camp Fire in NorCal has tossed up so much smoke it’s been ranging from ‘unhealthy’ to ‘hazardous’ all last week and looks to cover this week also.

Worst part of work cancelled is the air sucks too much to do anything. Can’t even enjoy a stroll taking pictures. Jogging habit is on hold also.