they do love to chat, indeed! Perhaps next year I’ll find one who isn’t busy with friends and ask (wouldn’t want to rudely interrupt).

I’m pretty sure it’s tickets to get in, like most conventions. Everyone has name tags and such. Plus I’m not dressed fancy enough. I literally don’t even own suits at the level they dress.

Every time I walk past JehovaCon I wonder what it’s like. Do they have multiple tracks of panel discussion bible talks? Big group prayer gatherings? Is there a keynote address?

yes, people fall for it. And then they call me to help clean up the mess. Highly educated people, even. It’s a curse of our over specialized society that people are so focused on knowing one small area so well that they have zero ability in anything else.

woooo!! Way to go! Getting back out and putting feet on pavement after a delay is the hardest part.

Been listening to a good amount of Scott Fields recently. Good stuff.

Ah, so they probably just have damn near everything set as private. Fair enough. Thank you for the explanation.


zombies are 'undead', right? probably suffer some sort of nerve damage? You recall trying to walk shortly after your leg 'fell asleep' and before feeling came back, yes? I imagine it's probably like that.

Is there a way for a user to prevent some other user from seeing their content? like, a reverse mute? I think that may have been done to me and I'm curious how (I'm fine with being reverse-muted, I'm just curious about the method).


Agreed, I figured it was just lower need than the important stuff. But it would be really nice to be able to embiggen pictures.