I’m not certain, but I think filling out that ballot took longer than doing my taxes. Krikey this is a stupid system we have.
Roulette Knight is kinda fun. Russian Roulette RPG. https://fourquarters.itch.io/roulette-knight-ludum-dare-41
@matigo my mom used to put a bowl of ice in front of the fan. I may try something similar later in the summer.
I see we’ve hit the part of the year where window open, fan on, covers tossed aside, and I’m still sweating and can’t asleep
Some get the keyboard centered, and apparently this deserves great credit because even that gets botched by many. Yet almost none have figured out how to center the trackpad.
2018 and Windows OEMs still can't manage to make a laptop with a centered keyboard and trackpad. How is this so hard for them?
@matigo likely never. I can't even imagine going that far. I'm not even sure I'll go much farther than 10k. Of course, it all depends on how often I do this. If my body needs more to feel "good workout" then I'll clearly have to do more. That's really what is guiding this. The standard "run home" route of 6.5k wasn't long enough to get that "good workout" feeling.
Extended my run home by a small bit yesterday. Sore today. Up to 9km, it will be nice if I can maintain this level going forward.
@matigo I find my music subscription interferes less with creation than the video subscription. It's easy enough to have 'background' or 'mood' music playing while being creative, 'background' video is something I've not yet found.