could be. I have others so that would be easy enough to test.

Last Sunday it was down in the thirties and I just left it plugged in. Eventually it got back up to 100. So it can charge all the way, but every so often just doesn’t.

Another thing I’ve noticed the last few weeks: every so often the phone will be less than 100% even though plugged in. Sometimes as low as 30%.

I shall hope my battery has enough cycles left to still work once that comes out.

thanks to iOS 11, my poor iPhone5s now often goes from 100% when I unplug it at 7:00 to 16% when I get to work at 8:00.

funny thing for me is, I've only previously played the first. All those other Zeldas I just happened to miss, either from not having access to the system or just never got around to them. Glad I didn't miss this one, it's very well put together.


Maybe it's just me, but I've always disliked stopping a song before it's done. I'd rather sit outside my destination and wait than stop playback early. As I've aged, of course, I've mellowed somewhat and I can stop songs now if I have somewhere to be, but it still makes me cringe.

I do so enjoy that the morning walk from the coffee shop to my office is roughly as long as The Birth And Death Of The Day by Explosions In The Sky.

on the plus side, I just picked up the new Zelda game so not being able to walk all weekend wasn’t a huge imposition. :)

The sense of relief when you finally manage to remove a splinter that has been stuck in the bottom of your foot for five days.